MR4 laser therapy delivers healing photons to specific areas and depths of tissue using a FDA cleared modality that incorporates super pulsed laser, pulsed broadband infrared SLD's, pulsed red light and static magnetic field. These photons are absorbed by the cells through laser therapy to stimulate the mitochondria to accelarate production of Adesnosine Triphosphate (ATP). This biochemical increase in cell energy is used to help transform cells from a state of illness to a stable, healthy state. Patients recover from musculoskeletal and peripheral nerve injuries with less scar tissue, accelerated cell regeneration and improved function. Acupuncture points are believed to stimulate the central nervous system. This, in turn, releases chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord, and brain. These biochemical changes may stimulate the body's natural healing abilities and promote physical and emotional well-being.
Laser Acupuncture - How does it work?
During a needle-less acupuncture session one of our trained staff members will use the low level laser to address specific acupuncture points. According to the study Laserpuncture in neuropathology. Moscow; 1991 it has been shown that working acupuncture points is similar to a fiber optic network and when one point is addressed the light therapy travels along the acupuncture meridians to other points to promote healing. Needle-less acupuncture or laser acupuncture is one of the most popular methods for treating pain in the world. *Russia and the USA began their researching this treatment in the 1970's with positive reports from stimulation of acupuncture points dating to the 1980's. It has proved to be an effective option for various existing treatments and as a supplement to many current treatments as well. Acupressure with lasers is a proven, natural, and cost-effective professional and self-care system of treatment that can improve the quality life of patients. This treatment is a great alternative for patients that may be on blood thinners or have clotting disorders or who just can't stand the thought of needles. (Anischenko GYa, Polyanskaya ZM, Dallakyan IG. Laserpuncture in neuropathology. Moscow; 1991. [Russian] *
Get in Touch
If you would like more information or want to schedule an appointment to find out if laser acupuncture is a good option for you. Contact our office today. 336-993-9690